50th wedding anniversary

An old friend of the family celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, quite an achievement when there are so many factors working against you from health to crazy statistics. It’s at times like this you realize how funny life can be – aunty Marg is missing uncle Robbie so much, 1 April is his birthday which already makes it a poignant month. I am sure she wishes she was lucky enough to be sharing this time with him. Granny Edna and Grampa Alan, aunty Marg’s parents, were lucky enough to celebrate their 60th and possibly their 70th wedding anniversaries together ( going to have to double check that one!)

Well, I was asked to make some cupcakes to celebrate Myrtle and Dennis’ 50th anniversary achievement. I hope I did their special day justice.


Handmade sugar rose swirls.



Aunty Marg’s and my flowers – Aunty Marg always manages to speak with her flowers!

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