Emma Cleminson’s here! 30 April 2000

Hi All

Well, we are the proud parents of Emma, a healthy little girl!
She was born on 26 April 2000, and 13h43 in the Sandton Clinic, after 13 hours of labour, and an emergency Caesar. She was 2.98 kg’s and 53 cm long, 32 cm around the head for those who want to know the details.

Carrie was in hospital for 4 nights, and got out on Saturday morning. We are now at home and things seem to be going very well. Emma is sleeping most of the time, and wakes up every four hours or so for a feed and nappy change and all that. (Dad is really good at burping, changing nappies and wrapping!) Will keep you all up to date with details if you are interested (apply by e-mail) Photos will follow shortly.

love us
Carrie, Vaughn and Emma

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