and Finally We Can Laugh About It!

Things have been so hectic in our house lately – the set back in December put a real damper on my progress and I think on our moods. We have been dealing with emotional issues (thankfully not related to my illness) which has made the last 3 months interesting to say the least. The girls are finally settled at school. Meg is our serious sunshine who still has a few glitches but we are working on them – she is not a fan of waking up for school but is cheerful when she gets there but it does make the morning routine fun. Em’s continues to be an enthusiastic bouncing ray of sunshine, she continues to adore school and is finally making some real friends which is fantastic! Both the girls love their school work and excel in it as well as anything they touch – very special little people.

The important thing is that yesterday the girls and I got to laugh at the latest silly side-effect/symptom. The q-fever devours my oxygen and this affects my brain function. Speaking is difficult – sometimes I can’t find the word block to fit into the sentence and sometimes I struggle to pronounce words with many syllables (thankfully the written stuff is a piece of cake I just can’t get my mouth to do what my brain says it must!). Add to that I have an ulcer on my tongue and you suddenly have the makings of a very silly situation. It was such a spontaneous fun event and it was great to see the girls literally lying  on the floor laughing so much that they cried while they thought up as many words as possible for me to say. I dutifully said the selected words while scrunching up my face in concentration which caused even more laughter and then the added odd lisps at awkward tongue movements had them almost paralytic with laughter! Their favourite words: obliged, mouth, moth, sloth, supercalafragalisticspallidocious but they tried out a lot of their vocab to see which ones had the best effect. Em declared this the best side effect yet – she tells me the q-fever is not actually fun but this was really fun!

It made my heart so glad to see them both laughing without a care in the world for an hour! Love our little family dearly!


Our weather forecast is from WP Wunderground